I am watching videos on you tube, and this thought comes to mind...
Obviously, one can argue that who's stopping me? I can do whatever I want... But this system of ours... I feel it puts invisible bonds on us, which take away our freedom to what we morally judge to be the right action.
I fact I compare it to all the people in the world bound to each other by chains and being dragged on a path... Invisible forces pushing and pulling them... Though at their hearts, they might want to wander on different paths, but for that they will have to break the chains. And breaking the chains will mean they longer belong to the group. This is group represents the general society that we belong to. And it is the fear of not belonging to this group, that we don't break the chains. The chains are in fact very weak, but our fear is what makes them strong enough to keep us bound.
All we need to do is to give it a jerk and they will break away... and we will be free... But no one dares...
As a result, we spend the whole of our beautiful life the way we don't want to spend it.
Now let me make a bit more clear what I am talking about. When I say we are bounded by the system, I am referring to this society and it's rule and regulations. These rules sometimes do keep us from going the wrong way, but sometimes they also keep us from going on what might have been the right way. In fact, these rules of the society keep us on a general agreed path... The society as a whole decided that a certain way is correct and everyone follows it.
But what if we are wrong??? Can we do anything about it??? Most of don't even realise that they are not doing what they might have liked to do...
For example, when we are very young, we cant think for ourselves and hence our parents do what's best for us. They send us to schools which is probably the best action.
But what if, when I grow up and am old enough to know what's right and wrong for me.. What if I don't want to go to school anymore. I think that's a waste of my time? One might yes, a lot of people drop out, but what of a lot many who don't dare to do such a thing.
Another example, I complete my education and get a high paying job and a secure life. I have a family of my own and a lot of dependents. Now, I realise the job is not what I want to do for my whole life. Can I leave it and suddenly start doing whatever I want? Nobody is stopping me, but can I really do that. Invisible bonds...
Another example... Hopefully the last...
A corrupt politician is raping the country. He is enjoying at the expense of the society. Almost, each one in the society knows he should be shot down. Still, a major portion of that same society keeps protecting him from anyone who wants to take action against him. Rest of the society keeps playing the role of silent audience. If the rebel wins, this society will laud him and forget him. If the corrupt politician wins, this society will keep say nothing can be done, just adjust with it while the corrupt people scale new heights of corruption.
Like in India, we had an anti-corruption campaign a few months back. I was in Delhi at that time and wanted to join. But I didn't, reason: I had to study and get good grades... WTF???
Now when I think of it, it seems so foolish... I feel ashamed.. But when I was actually in that situation, this same reason didn't feel so foolish. It felt the right thing to do, concentrate on your studies, you have responsibilities.
By giving everybody some or the other responsibilities, this society has managed to keep everyone bounded by that invisible chain. Want to part of the society and live a secured life? Keep fulfilling your responsibilities and don't use your brain too much.
I guess, I have dragged on too long... I should stop here...

Are we really free??? Can we do whatever we want? By that I mean, if I think something needs to be done, and its morally right, can I really do it???
Obviously, one can argue that who's stopping me? I can do whatever I want... But this system of ours... I feel it puts invisible bonds on us, which take away our freedom to what we morally judge to be the right action.
I fact I compare it to all the people in the world bound to each other by chains and being dragged on a path... Invisible forces pushing and pulling them... Though at their hearts, they might want to wander on different paths, but for that they will have to break the chains. And breaking the chains will mean they longer belong to the group. This is group represents the general society that we belong to. And it is the fear of not belonging to this group, that we don't break the chains. The chains are in fact very weak, but our fear is what makes them strong enough to keep us bound.
All we need to do is to give it a jerk and they will break away... and we will be free... But no one dares...
As a result, we spend the whole of our beautiful life the way we don't want to spend it.
Now let me make a bit more clear what I am talking about. When I say we are bounded by the system, I am referring to this society and it's rule and regulations. These rules sometimes do keep us from going the wrong way, but sometimes they also keep us from going on what might have been the right way. In fact, these rules of the society keep us on a general agreed path... The society as a whole decided that a certain way is correct and everyone follows it.
But what if we are wrong??? Can we do anything about it??? Most of don't even realise that they are not doing what they might have liked to do...
For example, when we are very young, we cant think for ourselves and hence our parents do what's best for us. They send us to schools which is probably the best action.
But what if, when I grow up and am old enough to know what's right and wrong for me.. What if I don't want to go to school anymore. I think that's a waste of my time? One might yes, a lot of people drop out, but what of a lot many who don't dare to do such a thing.
Another example, I complete my education and get a high paying job and a secure life. I have a family of my own and a lot of dependents. Now, I realise the job is not what I want to do for my whole life. Can I leave it and suddenly start doing whatever I want? Nobody is stopping me, but can I really do that. Invisible bonds...
Another example... Hopefully the last...
A corrupt politician is raping the country. He is enjoying at the expense of the society. Almost, each one in the society knows he should be shot down. Still, a major portion of that same society keeps protecting him from anyone who wants to take action against him. Rest of the society keeps playing the role of silent audience. If the rebel wins, this society will laud him and forget him. If the corrupt politician wins, this society will keep say nothing can be done, just adjust with it while the corrupt people scale new heights of corruption.
Like in India, we had an anti-corruption campaign a few months back. I was in Delhi at that time and wanted to join. But I didn't, reason: I had to study and get good grades... WTF???
Now when I think of it, it seems so foolish... I feel ashamed.. But when I was actually in that situation, this same reason didn't feel so foolish. It felt the right thing to do, concentrate on your studies, you have responsibilities.
By giving everybody some or the other responsibilities, this society has managed to keep everyone bounded by that invisible chain. Want to part of the society and live a secured life? Keep fulfilling your responsibilities and don't use your brain too much.
I guess, I have dragged on too long... I should stop here...

with great powers come great responsibility.
ReplyDeleteYou provide contradictions in the same breath.
1) first example, people have choice to drop out, continue or don't care. Everyone chooses.
2) second example, having a family is your choice, not of society. And you can really do whatever want, but it is not the society or invisible bonds that holds you back, but your own conscience.
3) You say politician is corrupt, but then he is doing what he enjoys. Is that not what you are suggesting in this whole blog that one should be able to do whatever one wants to do.
NO, i am in no way suggesting exploiting others to do whatever one wants... that's why said, the society sometimes stops us from doing the wrong thing...
Deleteor probably that was one of the purpose of formation of soceity, but that function has now tranformed into taking powers from some and bestowing them upon some...
also, i agree i drifted off topic in between...
anyways, my thoughts on your comments:
1. yes, everyone chooses.. but probably most of the time, this choice is biased by a fear of the consequences of leaving the system... so that does not make it a free choice...
2. yes, one makes the choice of having a family, or being in a family... but most of the times, its this society which defines his duties towards his family... like for example: A finds that B is exploiting C and needs to be stopped. but A cant stop B by remaining in the system, coz within the sytem, B is very powerful... but A fears of not being able to fulfill his duties towards his family if he leaves the system... my question is, cant A fulfill those duties even after leaving the system? probably he can, but the duties are defined by the society in such a way that A has to stay in the system to fulfill them... a way the sytem uses to control the likes of A... obviously, its again A choice whether to accept those definations of duties, but then again, his own fear of leaving the system makes him accept them...
its not that the system uses one big iron chain to bind us, it uses smaill weak threads, but lots n lots of them...
3. i think i commented on this one at the start...
sorry for the late reply...
My queries :
ReplyDelete1. Do we want to be free?
2. Are we ready to desert or do away with the perks offered by the system?
3. Do we have the intellect and the will to interpret things freely not falling for our own unvalidated prejudices and predilections?
4. Aur baaki sab kaisa chal raha hai ?? :P
my thoughts:
Deletei think most people have dreams... but most of them cant be fulfilled within the system... (dont take it in a wrong sense... a person wanting to start a business, but having a secured job n duties is the type of dreams i m talking about...)
there are lots of perks... one may be ready to desert some, but wont desert other perks... also, some of those perks can be obtained even after coming out of the system, but he fears the uncertainty... like a person with a secured job can earn good or very good by doing business, but there's uncertainty associated...
its the value that person assigns to his wishes, his guts and the importance he puts on the perks he gets from society, that probably decides his willingness to be free...
probably most dont have the intellect u are talking, and that was probably one of the functions of society... to guide an individual on the right path... but obviously, at some points, the society is not fulfilling those functions... (it is my opinion, may not be the reality)
lastly, sab maje mein chal raha hai...
sorry for late reply to u also...